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HomeTECHNOLOGY How technology streamlines commuting experience? 

 How technology streamlines commuting experience? 

There is no better time of day to experience traffic than in the morning. It is something that many people who work in big cities do every day. Traffic is a fact of life, regardless of whether they take the bus or drive.

During rush hours, traffic is backed up in most big cities today. There is a lot of traffic because there are so many cars on the road. In this day and age, technology needs to be used to make getting to work easier.

Here’s how technology transforms the commuting experience worldwide, taking road traffic from gridlock to glide.

  1. Real-time Traffic Updates ForA Stress-Free Commuting Experience

When an employee is running late, being stuck in traffic for hours can be very frustrating. The resulting anger and worry can make them less happy and less productive throughout the day.

Surveys and studies show that rush hour can cause a rush of negative emotions that harms employee performance.

Employees can avoid the stress of traffic, save time, and be ready to work when they get to the office. Today, it’s possible to do this because of geolocation technology and real-time traffic updates.

Many navigation apps, like Google Maps and Waze, keep you up to date on traffic. Technology can help workers plan their commutes better, avoid traffic, and get the most out of their workdays.

  1. Identifying The Fastest Routes With Predictive Traffic Analysis

The commuting experience in gridlock is often much longer than expected. Employees with other responsibilities, such as picking up children from school or attending prior appointments, may find this incredibly frustrating.

Some navigation apps can also analyze traffic ahead of time to help drivers plan their routes. They can get the peace of mind they need every day at work by using this technology. By looking at past traffic patterns and current conditions, these apps can tell you the fastest route to take.So, drivers can be sure that their longer commute will be stress-free even before they leave the house.

  1. Carpooling Apps and Shared Employee Transport

It is a great way to share rides and cars. Carpooling apps allow users to share rides with coworkers or other commuters who are traveling in the same direction.

Several companies now also offer their employees shared employee transportation. This not only cuts down on traffic, but it also fixes the problem of people not being happy with their jobs.

If an employee’s daily commute is always slowed down by traffic jams, they may not be happy with their work conditions. Their employees will have a much better time at work if they don’t have to worry about getting to and from work.

  1. Remote Work and Flexible Work Scheduling Technology

Remote work and flexible work schedules allow employees to relax, alleviate the stress of commuting, and be more productive.

Remote work technology, such as virtual collaboration tools, can help employees work from home. It reduces the need for daily commutes altogether.

This can be especially useful for employees who live far from the office and experience consistently heavy traffic on their commute.

  1. Employee Commute Technology and ETS Management Systems

Employee transport management software with user-friendly mobile apps can help employees plan and manage their commutes more efficiently. From route planning to drive to work to billing, employee transport management software can handle all aspects of commuting.

Employers can also set custom notifications that provide employees with updates and shared vehicles on their routes. It can further prevent themselves from getting stuck in traffic.

By providing these tools, employers can help improve the employee commuting experience, reduce stress and frustration, and increase overall job satisfaction.

ETS by MoveInSync: Your One-Stop Solution To Avoiding Gridlock

MoveInSync’s ETS is a cloud-based SaaS solution for all your employee transport needs.

MoveInSync can help plan your employee transport system, find the most optimal routes, improve the commuting experience, and reduce fuel costs.

Transport management system operators can plan rides, view employee data, and manage drivers through a single dashboard. Meanwhile, employees can use the mobile app to view, book, and cancel rides as per their needs.

More than 350K employees trust MoveInSync daily to manage their daily commute and combat traffic congestion. So, visit the website to learn more!



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